Matt Johnson

Senior Patent Agent



U.S. Patent & Trademark Office


BS, Electrical Engineering

California State University
Chico, MS, Computer Science

Matt’s extraordinary breadth and depth of technological experience enables him to work in nearly any wireless communication field, as well as hardware design and architecture for those communications.

Technical Experience

BSEE, MSCS:  integrating Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging systems into a smart grid system, including demand-response control, protocols and radio systems in the Qi wireless charging standard; electromagnetic propagation; inductively-coupled sensors in water and gas metering modules; inductively-coupled meter reading in handheld computers

Computing, Software, and Telecommunications Hardware Fields: wireless and networking protocols; wireless systems and hardware; wireless speech and channel coding; space-time coding; MIMO; wireless propagation; distributed systems; IP networks; machine learning; video coding; image processing; operating systems and software; encryption; authentication; digital rights management; embedded systems; mesh networks; VoIP; Internet of things; metrology

Principal Systems Architect, Wireless Communication Networks, Itron Inc.

Project Scientist, Hewlett-Packard

Researcher, Agilent Laboratories

Named inventor on fifty-three (53) patents and patent applications in communication systems